Toro. Smart Features. Proven dependability. SM-CP4379880428 TORO TAMECUTTER MYRIDE® TimeCutter MX5475 Recycler® Walk Power Mowers Hassle-Free Service From Your Hassle-Free Dealer Service Techs, Inc. 1401 US Hwy. 34W, Creston M-F: 8am-5pm Sat: 8am-Noon 641-782-5245 Stop by and see Kevin Glick or Roger Walter for all your Toro needs! Toro . Smart Features . Proven dependability . SM - CP4379880428 TORO TAMECUTTER MYRIDE® TimeCutter MX5475 Recycler® Walk Power Mowers Hassle - Free Service From Your Hassle - Free Dealer Service Techs , Inc. 1401 US Hwy . 34W , Creston M - F : 8 am-5pm Sat : 8 am-Noon 641-782-5245 Stop by and see Kevin Glick or Roger Walter for all your Toro needs !